Easter 2018
This was my first attempt at wearing a belly band and well, I have mixed feelings. For those of you unfamiliar with a belly band they are worn over your regular jeans and you are able to leave them unbuttoned. The belly bands go over your button and zipper so you can leave them undone and let your belly expand.
I was glad to be able to wear my own jeans and not have to scour the stores for affordable maternity jeans to wear. They have a rubber lining on top to help avoid them from rolling down but isn't entirely full proof.
You're pants are still unbuttoned so you feel like your pants are falling down. I was constantly moving my pants up and adjusting them. As I said before, this is my first attempt so there may be better brands to try. I went the cheaper route and ordered them from amazon.
Overall they aren't entirely bad, they are a solid temporary fix and are economically sufficient.